With the knowledge that your beloved animal is receiving the best possible care, you can relax and enjoy your holiday.
A mother and daughter partnership, Fleur De Lys Cattery, cares for your pet on the property of our own house in Findon Valley, Worthing.

Hotel for cats in Worthing, Hotel for cats in Worthing
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Customer feedback to Tracy and Pete I greatly appreciate it. We appreciate you taking care of Tigger for us during these last several weeks. We greatly missed him and are grateful for everything you did for him.
Why your cat could behave differently after visiting a cattery
Both you and your pet adore one another. Because of this, separation may be very difficult for both us and our cats. Therefore, if your pet is acting a bit differently when you return to pick it up, it may be due to a few straightforward factors. Cats are creatures of habit, and they like their routine and dislike change. Your pet could have felt the effects of your separation and being in a new place. However, before you freak out, allow your cat some time to calm back down at home and get back into a pattern. If the aberrant behaviour persists, the cause may be medical, therefore it would be wise to get your pet checked out by a professional. Like humans, cats too require time to get used to change.
Just before you leave
Keep your routine as regular as you can before putting your cat in a cat hotel if you're going on vacation and leaving it there. This will prevent your cat from being alarmed. Keep your personal stress to a minimum and don't forget to feed your cat at the regular intervals. Cats are incredibly perceptive creatures, and they can tell when you're stressed or angry. They will pick up on your tension if they think something is wrong since your cat will feel the same way, and those are not nice terms to part on. Try your best to maintain a routine for yourself. Kitty will be aware of all the additional shopping excursions and the inevitable turmoil that goes along with packing to go. Packing carefully is another suggestion for keeping your cat as relaxed as possible before your trip. Set out your luggage up to two weeks before to your trip, and then gradually load them with everything you'll need during that time. This provides your pet plenty of time to check things out and adjust on their own. Additionally, you won't have to rush through packing as your departure date draws near, reducing stress for both you and your cat.
Bringing your cat back to normal after a vacation
You will be thrilled to see your best feline buddy when you get back from your (hopefully delightful) vacation. But don't be shocked if your cat doesn't feel the same way about you. Cats are slow to adapt to new circumstances. Your cat has just recently become used to being at the cattery, therefore it will take them a few days to go back into a routine even though you might be ready to return home.
Speaking of routine, it's crucial to avoid giving your cat too many goodies or overfeeding him/her. Don't overfeed your cat to make up for their strange reaction to you, even though giving it a few extra treats to show your appreciation is OK. You shouldn't be alarmed if you believe your cat has lost weight as a result of stress (it might be difficult to determine without seeing the doctor). Feed your cat normally at regular intervals with the usual quantity of food, and it should recover in a few weeks. After this, please consult your veterinarian if the weight problem still worries you.
When you first get back from vacation, spend a few minutes each day giving your cat your undivided attention. Your cat will be busy exploring and reacquainting himself/herself with the house while you are busy unpacking and organising things. It's crucial to give your cat attention and playtime to help them feel loved and to reassure them that things will soon return to normal now that you and your cat are back at home. Playtime will be crucial in keeping your cat's mind off the fact that you were apart and assisting them in adjusting to being back with you more swiftly.
After a few days, if you still notice that your cat is worried, don't panic; they probably just need a little more assurance that your link with them is still strong and they are secure. You may buy soothing drops or plug-in smells from your neighbourhood pet store to further aid in calming your feline companion, Kitty. You might also play some soothing or ambient music. There is empirical support for the idea that music can affect a cat's mood. You may both relax by listening to soothing music, which your cat will pick up on and sense. This will make you both feel less stressed.
After your vacation, pay attention to how you're feeling. As you may have already seen, our cats are quite perceptive to changes in our moods and emotions. Find some time during the day to take care of yourself, whether it's through meditation, reading, or your preferred indoor activity. If you maintain a calm and relaxed attitude, your cat may start to do the same. Keep doing these activities along with your regular routine, and your cat will quickly get reacquainted with both you and his or her environment.
In conclusion, always remember to plan for the worse while hoping for the best. Each cat responds differently to its stay at a cattery, and each visit might be different. Allow your cat some time to rebuild its confidence by being patient. Return to your regular schedule and keep in mind that your cat will be more agitated the more upset you are. In the end, you are the one who knows your cat the best, so if you notice any more symptoms, please take your cat to the veterinarian as soon as you can.
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